Injection Molding Market Recovery
The impact of Covid-19 is being seen around the globe. Experts predict 2020 in the US will end with -5.8% GDP, business spending will be down 10%-20%, housing starts will be down 2.0% and the trade deficit will widen 3%. (Kiplinger) Where does Injection Molding fit in this economy? Industr...
Continue readingHow Does the Appraisal Definition Affect Value?
One of the most important questions for an appraisal is what value definition(s) to use. There are several standard definitions, but any definition can be used as long as it can produce appropriate and credible results. Equipment owners usually want the definition to be used with the hig...
Continue readingUn-Inspected vs Inspected Appraisals
Recent updates to USPAP have changed the definitions of appraisals. Many people are familiar with the recently antiquated term Desktop Appraisal. Now there are really two types of appraisals. Either an Un-Inspected Appraisal or an Inspected Appraisal. The purpose and intende...
Continue readingTips for Securing a Machinery & Equipment Appraisal
A machinery and equipment appraisal is something that you may do every year (which we recommend) or once in the history of your company. Whether it’s plastics equipment appraisal or other types of equipment, here’s what you need to know to secure your appraisal. Who is the appraisal f...
Continue readingGlimmer of Economic Hope
There will definitely be winners and losers in the post-corona world. Right now there is a glimmer of economic hope in the ISM numbers. The Institute for Supply Management released its composite PMI for May at 43.1. As of now April was the worst month in recent times with a composite PMI...
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