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Have machinery to sell? We are always looking to purchase used machinery. Contact us today!

We are experts at rebuilding those old extruders, gearboxes, granulators, grinders, downstream - turning them into updated machines without the expense of completely new machines.

Entire Extruder Reconditioning is our specialty - we also do complete Gear Case Rebuilds, optical alignments of barrels, and screw and barrel measurements. Arlington's expert technicians are well versed in many different makes and models of plastic processing equipment - no job is too big or too small.

If a full rebuild is more than you require, we can do minor repairs such as cleaning and painting, to equipment before it arrives at your facility.

Our machine ship can improve all types of machinery. From simple repainting to complete reconditioning, we produce all levels of service - giving your operation the custom fit you desire.

Extruder Gearbox Rebuilds

Whether you need to change your gear ratio or you have a gearbox that is not operational, Arlington Plastics Machinery can make the necessary repairs to get your machine up and running again.

Backed by a one year warranty, gearboxes can be completely rebuilt or just updated with the necessary parts replaced. Upon arrival of the gearbox in our shop, we respond in a timely manner to provide you with a quote that lists your options and pricing.

We work on all types and sizes of extruders gearboxes- Davis Standard, Egan, Gloucester, Sterling and many more.

Control Cabinets

Arlington can build control cabinets to suit your specific needs. Whether bringing an old panel up to current standards or starting a panel from scratch, Arlington offers you a personalized set of controls to meet your needs. Our capabilities extend from the simple panels push button controls to state of the art systems capable of operating entire lines from one touch screen.

Motors and Drives

We can provide you with right motor for your application. Many manufacturers available for horsepower ranging from 1 to 1000, AC and DC available. Installation, alignment and start-up services are available.

L/D and Water/Air Conversions

If you have a machine that isn't exactly what you need or are able to find a used machine that just needs a few alterations to run your product, we can help. We can help you change your screw and barrel length to diameter or convert your cooling from water to air. We also offer new gearcases for your existing extruders.

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