This article highlights the top original equipment manufacturers, their machinery strengths, and what industries they focus on servicing. milacron2 Milacron
Machinery Strengths Injection Molding, Vertical Injection Molding, Extrusion, Blowmolding, Robots, Dryers
Market Strengths All-purpose plastic industries
Company Focus Only full-line global supplier of injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding.
break husky-logo Husky  
Machinery Strengths Injection Molding
Market Strengths Beverage Packaging, Thinwall Packaging, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Medical
Company Focus Lighter parts and faster cycle times.
break demag Van Dorn Demag-
Machinery Strengths Injection Molding.
Market Strengths Automotive, Electronics
Company Focus Strength is customizable control over machinery process.
break NegriBossi Negri Rossi
Machinery Strengths Electric Injection Molding Machines
Market Strengths Packaging
Company Focus High end electrical presses with max efficiency is their strength
break sumitomo Sumitomo Demag
Machinery Strengths Injection Molding
Market Strengths Packaging, Electronics, Automotive
Company Focus Strength, speed, and durability production that is cost effective.
break NISSEI Nissei
Machinery Strengths Injection Molding, Blow Molding
Market Strengths Medical, Technical
Company Focus Develops the most innovative electric and hybrid injection molding machines.
break Toshiba Toshiba
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Injection Molding, Die Casting Machines
Market Strengths Market Strengths- Packaging, Automotive, Electronics
Company Focus Company Focus- Highest level of quality, value price, customer service and engineering.
break boy Boy
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Injection Molding
Market Strengths Maket Strengths- Electrical, Computer, Telecommunications, Cosmetics, Aviation, Mechanical
Company Focus Company Focus- Offers special machine configurations, energy efficient presses, low noise for presses.
break engelLogo Engel
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Injection Molding, Vertical Injection Molding
Market Strengths Market Strengths- Medical, Packaging, Technical, Teletronics, Automotive
Company Focus Company Focus- Known for outstanding excellence with medical market and high level of customer service.
break toyo Toyo
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Injection Molding, Die Casting Machines
Market Strengths Market Strengths- Medical, Packaging
Company Focus Company Focus- Eco-friendly machinery that meets customer values.
break arburg Arburg
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Vertical Injection Molding, Injection Molding, Rotational Molding, Pickers
Market Strengths Market Strengths- Medical Optics, Technical, Electronics
Company Focus Company Focus- Leader in energy efficient injection molding presses and customization.
Machinery Strengths Machinery Strengths- Hydraulic Injection Molding
Market Strengths Technology of premium quality at affordable prices, strong global presence
Company Focus Fully optimized tchnolgoy that creates more efficiency, lower engery consumption and faster cycle speeds.
List compiled by Jeff Norman