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Single Shaft Shredder

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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We have a vast inventory of high-quality industrial shredders for plastic processing in many industries. Arlington has multi-shaft and single shaft shredders from a wide variety of manufacturers to best suit your applications. These used commercial shredders come in many dimensions and with varying horsepower. The many makes and models of our plastic shredding machines ensure that you will find what you’re looking for within our inventory. Popular brands include Vecoplan, Weima, Republic and Zerma

Commercial Plastic Shredders for Industrial Use

Industrial plastic shredders are used to reduce larger plastic parts into smaller particles. These size reduction systems can be used to recycle plastic waste so that it is reusable by breaking plastic down into uniform, standardized particles.

good condition single shaft shredder

  • The single shaft shredder design is a more appropriate choice when a consistent particle size is needed.
  • Industrial shredders can be paired with a used granulator for a shredding/grinding line.
  • A single shaft shredder feed stream also needs to be clean of large metals. When metal is present a dual or multi shaft shredder may be a better option. 

The used shredders that Arlington Machinery sells can be used in many industries including the plastics, packaging, chemical and automotive industries.

Considerations for Used Single Shaft Shredder Purchasing

Below are some things to look out for when buying a used single shaft shredder:

single shaft shredder with worn cutters

  • Used Shredder Checklist
  • Cutter Count/Cutter Condition
  • Rotor Size/Rotor Condition
  • Style of Rotor, Example Film and Fiber, For Chunks and Parts
  • Hp and Drive Style
  • Ram Stroke Length
  • Screen Size In machine 

The rotor is the heart of the shredder and knowing its condition should be your first consideration when buying a machine. Talk to your sales rep at Arlington to find out more about our used inventory of shredders and what to look for when buying one.

  • Top Photo: 15” Diameter Film and Fiber Vecoplan Rotor, Used Rotor in good condition.   All cutters intact.
  • Bottom Photo: 15” Diameter Standard Vecoplan Rotor, Used worn condition.  Cutters are damaged and cutter holders missing.

Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



More than just brokers, we inspect, repair and refurbish equipment to sell in the condition you require - financing available.

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