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Belt Conveyors

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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Belt Conveyors are used in several industries and come in all shapes and sizes. From removing the part from an injection molder to moving bottles in a blow molding operation, conveyors transport products where they need to go.  Arlington carries flat belt horizontal conveyors, incline conveyors, horizontal to incline conveyors, "Z" conveyors and rollers. 

Popular brands we carry include HFA, MAC, DynaCon and NBE.
Our inventory is always changing so check back often to see what is new. 
Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



More than just brokers, we inspect, repair and refurbish equipment to sell in the condition you require - financing available.

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Our experts appraise and buy equipment of varying condition, with trade-in and upgrade options to support your sale.

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